5 Top Ways That Gives You A Great Responsive Web Design

13/06/2015 14:44

If you own an optimized website and must still use a toggle to switch between your desktop and mobile layouts then trust me when I say, your responsive web design has been whack!

The problem could lie with you as a designer, or the kind of knowledge that your choice of designer had. However in many occasions it will revolve around your lack of knowledge on the subject of responsive web design.

So here are some of the important considerations that you should make before jumping into the responsive web design train.

Understand The Reasons Why Responsive Web Design Rocks

Believe me when I say that nobody buys a product or service without understanding how they will benefit from it. The same apply to you when you want to go for a responsive design.

First you will need to understand the reasons why you need a responsive design. And these usually include the fact that it’s greatly affordable, and also since it allows a great integration between different browsing gadgets without losing your website’s explosive touch.

Go With Only The Most Important Content Elements

When designing your content there will be need to understand the most important facts that you need to sell to your clients. Wordiness is a simple way to chase your visitors away.

So do away with all the elements that are not necessary and stick to the most important content. Usually this should be the needful. They should include why people visit your site, and ideally the most important factors to them.

Consider Designing Upwards

Remember the reasons why a responsive design may go wrong? Well, then any responsive web designer should understand the need for an ideal breakpoint if the design is to stay responsive.

But to achieve this the easy way and avoid a wrapping menu or unfitting texts, working from a smaller practical screen design into something bigger will be a sure way. And even with the freedom that this would offer, keeping sizable breakpoints should be a priority.

So maintain the major reflow say on additional columns, floating images, or a tweak as simple as a font size change. 

Work With A Fluid Design

And relative to the above, you will need to keep your design fluid. Since just like Las Vegas Web Design Company points out, this should be ideal for your breakpoints.

The reason why it’s always advisable to use a fluid design and not a fixed one, is because fixed designs are usually very fragile for responsive web designs irrespective of the ease at which they can be comprehended with.

Unlike the fluid design they will never fit to any browser screen and could sometime even chop off a few images or texts while your visitors try to access your website on multiple browsers. And you probably know the end results for this by now.

Never Compromise On Any Element

This should always be the cardinal rule. Never water down any version of your website, why should you? The fact that you need to make it responsive should in fact allow you to add other ideal facilities but not shade down on any.

So at the end of the day, forget the use of any form of browser sniffing, don’t disable the zoom, and keep the content intact. That’s how we give RWD the killer punch!